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We Ain't Givin' Up at Northern California Ladyfest Campout

We Ain't Givin Up at Northern California Ladyfest Campout

Northern California Ladyfest Campout
Ladyfest is an international multidisciplinary feminist arts and activism festival supporting the work of women, femmes and queer folks.

Day passes $5; Camping Passes $20/night per person; FREE admission for all people under 18

The campout will be held June 8-11 in Placerville on the American River and will feature workshops and discussion circles during the day and music in the evening, with collaborative art projects and vendors throughout. Join us for the day, or camp the whole weekend! Eileen & the In-Betweens are scheduled to perform on Friday, June 9 from 8-8:30pm

Ladyfest is actively antiracist, antisexist, antiageist, and antitransphobia and homophobia. All gender identities welcome.

We especially encourage our fellow queer folks, rural youth, older women, people of color, and families to come together to share our art, wisdom, and support!

Hannah Mayree - Rybree Tree - Annah AntiPalindrome - Sunsound - Ariana Brooke - Shareef Ali - Side Pony - Eileen & the In-Betweens - Denature - Gillian Underwood and the Lonesome Doves - Temple K. Kirk - 2 Lazy Boys - Vida Solstice - Toy Traps - The Library of Musiclandria and Friends - Butanna - Ani Maul

Discussion Circles:
Mental Health & Healing Through Addiction & Trauma - Deconstructing the Gender Binary - Loving Our Bodies - Racism, Class and Privilege - Radical Parenting

Healing Dolls - Gun Safety - Yoga

Collaborative art projects: 
shame tree - live painting - zinemaking

The campout is SUPER kid friendly. We will have a bounce house, a shaded kid's play area, family camping section, kids welcome in all discussion circles and workshops, and all people under 18 get free admission.

Our bathrooms are gender neutral and the campground is wheelchair accessible. Contact us for more accessibility info!

Bring a package of pads, tampons, or condoms to donate to homeless folks in El Dorado County.

Bring clothes, shoes and accessories to participate in the clothing swap! Leftover clothes will be donated to a local clothes closet.

Volunteer Opportunities Available! email us at